Singing Society in PA

15 businesses found

Belle Vernon Musical Society

514 Grant St , 15012
Phone: (724) 929-9913

Orpheus Club

254 South Van Pelt St , 19103
Phone: (215) 732-9873

Singing City

123 South 17th St , 19103
Phone: (215) 569-9067

Princeton Singers

214 Price Avenue , 19072
Phone: (609) 924-5900

Delco Chapter Bhs

2220 Sproul Road , 19008
Phone: (610) 497-1609

The Barber Shop Harmony Society

80 East Nrthmpton St Apartment 105 , 18701
Phone: (570) 829-2234

Bach Choir of Bethlehem

440 Heckewelder Place , 18018
Phone: (610) 866-4382

Williamsport Symphony Orchestr

220 West 4th St , 17701
Phone: (570) 322-0227

Moniuszko Singing Society

1209 Reed St , 16503
Phone: (814) 452-4354

Butler Notables Course

106 Lilac Lane , 16059
Phone: (724) 443-1191

Adelines Sweet International

1600 Philadelphia St , 15701
Phone: (724) 465-2128

Teutonia Mannerchor

857 Phineas St , 15212
Phone: (412) 231-9141

Master Works Club

1322 Knollwood Drive , 15146
Phone: (412) 373-6709

Norristown Maenner Chor

920 Haws Avenue , 19401
Phone: (610) 278-6305